
- 12 min read

Student Handbook

Student Handbook

The health classes are designed to prepare medical missionaries competent to minister in various clinical settings. From this training the students will be able to teach Seventh-day Adventist health message through seminars, cooking schools, and individual counseling, as well as training in the treatment modalities of hydrotherapy, massage, diet, exercise, herbal remedies, and lifestyle medicine. Vocational training experience is received in the Bio-Hygieo Lifestyle Center in Therapy, counseling, and evangelistic roles.

Section 1 - Why BibleWay Institute (BWI) came into existence

I [the Lord] will instruct the ignorant, and anoint with heavenly eyesalve the eyes of many who are now in spiritual blindness. I will raise up agents who will carry out My will to prepare a people to stand before Me in the time of the end. In many places that ought to have been provided before with sanitariums and schools, I will establish My institutions, and these institutions will become educational centers for the training of workers.”… {11MR 186.3}

In the work of the school maintain simplicity. No argument is so powerful as is success founded on simplicity. You may attain success in the education of students as medical missionaries without a medical school that can qualify physicians to compete with the physicians of the world. Let the students be given a practical education. The less dependent you are upon worldly methods of education, the better it will be for the students. Special instruction should be given in the art of treating the sick without the use of poisonous drugs and in harmony with the light that God has given. In the treatment of the sick, poisonous drugs need not be used. Students should come forth from the school without having sacrificed the principles of health reform or their love for God and righteousness. {9T 175.1}

Section 2 – Why is BWI training hard and intensive?

Why is BWI training hard and intensive?

We are counseled not to produce educated weakling

“Instead of educated weaklings, institutions of learning may send forth men strong to think and to act, men who are masters and not slaves of circumstances, men who possess breadth of mind, clearness of thought, and the courage of their convictions.” {Ed 17.2}

“Such an education provides more than mental discipline; it provides more than physical training. It strengthens the character, so that truth and uprightness are not sacrificed to selfish desire or worldly ambition. It fortifies the mind against evil. Instead of some master passion becoming a power to destroy, every motive and desire are brought into conformity to the great principles of right. As the perfection of His character is dwelt upon, the mind is renewed, and the soul is re-created in the image of God.” {Ed 18.1}

Therefore, the program at BWI will help strengthen the character of the student, so that they may be sent forth as men and women strong to think and to act, men and women who are masters and not slaves of circumstances.

We are to produce Thinkers

“It is the work of true education to develop this power, to train the youth to be thinkers, and not mere reflectors of other men’s thought. Instead of confining their study to that which men have said or written, let students be directed to the sources of truth, to the vast fields opened for research in nature and revelation. Let them contemplate the great facts of duty and destiny, and the mind will expand and strengthen.” {Ed 18.1}

The program at BWI, hard and intensive it may be, have been designed to help the student to be thinkers and not mere reflectors of other men’s thought.

We are to produce soldiers for Christ’s service

The following statement from the Spirit of prophecy is the corner stone of the BWI institute.

As I have watched the soldiers go through all this drilling and training, I have thought of the soldiers in Christ’s army. If it is essential for the soldiers to go through so much drill to serve their country in a time of peril, how is it with the soldiers in Christ’s service? Are they submitting themselves to be educated and disciplined, thus fitting themselves to engage in warfare? This is a difficult work. The Christian warfare does not mean play; we are not engaged in mimic battles, fighting as one that beateth the air. We have a real but unseen foe to meet. To be a soldier of Christ means more than to be an idler, more than to be a seeker after selfish enjoyment.” {YI, December 22, 1886 par. 4}

“…….But this doing the duty of a soldier means work. It is not always just such work as we would choose. Outward inconveniences, difficulties, and trials have to be borne by the soldiers of Jesus. There is a constant warfare to be maintained against the evils and inclinations of our own natural hearts. We must not pick and choose the work most agreeable to us; for we are Christ’s soldiers, under his discipline, and we are not to study our own pleasure. We must fight the battles of the Lord manfully.

We have enemies to conquer that would gain the control of all our powers. Self-will in us must die; Christ’s will alone must be obeyed. The soldier in Christ’s army must learn to endure hardness, deny self, take up the cross, and follow where his Captain leads the way. There are many things to do which are trying to human nature, and painful to flesh and blood. This work of self-subduing requires determined, continuous effort. In fighting the good fight of faith, obtaining precious victories, we are laying hold of eternal life. This warfare requires most strenuous effort, the exertion of all our powers. We are to crucify the flesh, with the affections and lusts. I would that our youth would engage in this work which requires the exercise of every spiritual muscle, the strength of every power. And as they manifest faithfulness in any and every position of duty, they will be promoted, and positions of responsibility will be given them. The great work of saving souls is committed to them. They are to be laborers together with Christ; and this means a life-long service, a life of spiritual hardships and conflict, until the laborer’s work ends with his life. There is no spiritual self-indulgence in a truly religious life.”

“Dear youth, do you think Christ requires too much when he calls you to earnestly exercise your ability, your tact, your intellect, all your powers, in his service? We dare not do otherwise than to faithfully present before you the conditions, just as they are. We dare not lower the standard to gain recruits under false pretenses. We would have each of you move understandingly, counting the cost. It is a noble work to serve Jesus Christ, who gave his own life, his riches, his glory, in order to rescue us from the power of Satan. We are toiling for a precious, glorious crown and an inheritance that is immortal. The reward is promised: “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me on my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.” {YI, December 22, 1886 par. 6}

We are to prepare students ready to face the most trying circumstances in the near future

In the school they would receive encouragement and inspiration from teachers and students to continue their work of selling books; and when the time came for them to leave school, they would have received a practical training, fitting them for the hard, earnest, self-sacrificing labor that has to be done in many foreign fields, where the third angel’s message must be carried under difficult and trying circumstances. {CT526.2}

We are to prepare medical missionaries to serve during the time of trouble

“The truth for this time, the third angel’s message, is to be proclaimed with a loud voice as we approach the great final test. This test must come to the churches in connection with true medical missionary work.” We are told that in time of trouble “there will be sick ones, plenty of them, that will need help” so because of the need, but also “for their own sake, they should, while they have opportunity, become intelligent in regard to disease, its causes, prevention and cure, and those who will do this will find a field of labor anywhere.” CH 506. {PH144 29.2}

We are to train workers within a short period of time

As we are approaching the time of crisis, we are literally running out of time for our preparation, we are not gaining. Therefore, all efforts has to be put together to training God’s people within a short of time. We have compacted to fit in all of the necessary lessons to produce workers who are able not only to do medical missionary work or Bible work but also able to train others.

“The Lord calls upon our young people to enter our schools and quickly fit themselves for service. In various places, outside of cities, schools are to be established where our youth can receive an education that will prepare them to go forth to do evangelical work and medical missionary work.” {CH 395.2}

“Workers–gospel medical missionaries–are needed now. You cannot afford to spend years in preparation. Soon doors now open to the truth will be forever closed. Carry the message now. Do not wait, allowing the enemy to take possession of the fields now open before you. ……..let them pray for the sick, ministering to their necessities, not with drugs, but with nature’s remedies, and teaching them how to regain health and avoid disease.” {CH 397.4}

The statements above explain the reasons why BWI program is hard and intensive.

Section 3 – Academic Program

Basic First Aid

In this course the student will learn how to administer first aid techniques using natural way in case of emergency.

Basic Anatomy Physiology in relation to the 8 laws of health

This course is a study on of structure and function of the structure and function of tissues, organs, and systems of the human body within the context of the eight laws of health.

Basic Principle of Diseases in relation to the 8 laws of health.

The breaking of the 8 laws of health is underlying causes of all of the diseases. This course is a study on the underlying reasons of why diseases occur; this understanding will definitely help in the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Colon Cleansing

In this course the student will learn the principles of colon cleansing. Practical lesson on how to use vegetable juices, fruit juices, herbs, colonic irrigation and enema kit for a safe and effective colon cleansing will be given.

Divine principles of Medical Missionary

This course is a study on the divine principles, which define the purpose, reasons, the functions, the methods, of the medical missionary work, in the scope of the plan of the redemption.


A physiological and practical approach to the understanding and use of the hydrotherapy as a God ordained treatment modality and a study of how water of varying temperatures and in various states effects changes in nervous, circulatory, and muscular systems.


In this course the students will learn massage techniques to improve blood circulation, for muscle toning, breaking scar tissues, and improving joints mobilization. The students will also learn some sports massage techniques.

Preventive and Therapeutic Nutrition

In this course the students are taught wise selections of food to minimize one’s risk for developing diseases. Nutrition is also presented as a therapeutic mode to promote health in the presence of various diseases including the effects of nutrients on the causes and symptoms of illnesses.


In this course the Students will learn how to make and to apply poultices using different herbs, charcoal and other helpful items for different problems. The student will also learn poultice techniques for first aid and long term treatment plan.

Principle of Protocol Preparation

In this course the student will learn how to prepare treatment protocol necessary to establish time structure for the treatment program. Students will learn to organize proper placement for the vital checks, juicing, hydrotherapies, massages, poultices, exercises, health presentations and other important details for a successful protocol.

Principle of Therapeutic Exercise

In this course the students are taught proper techniques for therapeutic exercises specially designed for people whose health are not at optimal level. This exercises improves blood circulation, digestion, tone muscles, and boost the immune system and many other benefits.

Principle of Medical Herbs

This is a detailed study of simple medicinal herbs and powerful Phytochemicals. Students will review God’s counsels and scientific literature on herbal medicine regarding the use of these natural resources as part of the NEWSTART program to prevent and remedy diseases.

The study on counterfeit natural healing.

There are many ways of practicing the healing art; but there is only one way that Heaven approves. God’s remedies are the simple agencies of nature… {CD 301.2}. This is a study on the many false methods of healing with contrast to God’s method of healing, which is cheap, within the reach of all, and without harmful side effects.

Therapeutic Fasting and Juicing

In this course the student will learn why fasting is necessary, how to do it properly, when to do it and when to stop doing it, and when fasting is not necessary. The student will also learn the basic principles of juicing during the fasting.


In this course the student will learn how to do the urinalysis and how to interpret the numbers obtained in the urinalysis. The student will also learn how to identify what laws of health violated that has caused the disease to occur through the urinalysis. This knowledge will help the student to have intelligent knowledge of the cause and treatment of the disease.

Vital Check

In this course the student will learn how to use the tools for the checking the vital signs, such as the stethoscope, Sphygmomanometer, Thermometer, Eye pressure, and few other modalities.